About Us

My name is Fabian, but most people call me Fabi.

I currently serve as the children’s director at my local church in Dodge City, KS, along with my beautiful wife, Hortencia. We absolutely love our role in teaching kids Biblical Truth on a weekly basis; nothing has been more rewarding. (ALFC Kids)

I have it in my heart to see God’s dream come true: “…that all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” (1 Tim. 2:4) He isn’t willing that any should perish, but that all would turn to Him. (2 Pet. 3:9)

Matt. 6:33 instructs us to put a priority on advancing the Kingdom of God. The fruit of the end-times harvest is precious to God. That’s why it’s precious to me. He’s waiting patiently to reap as many souls into the Kingdom as possible and I love being a part of seeing God’s vision come to pass.

God has been patient, but the sun is about to set on our time on this planet as we know it. The rapture of the church is eminent. Night is coming when no man can work any longer. God has put it on my heart to be a part of the end-time harvest of souls by preaching the message of the Gospel online, and my purpose is to win as many as I can to the Kingdom of God while there’s still time.

Partner With me

Let’s work together to reach this generation with the life-changing Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.